We All Seek Peace, But Few in the Right Places
This week at HQ Youth's meeting, Ryan Moreno talked about various aspects of peace: peace with others (Matthew 5:9, Romans 12:18), peace within yourself (Philippians 4:6), and we also briefly spoke about what that peace looks like. We talk so often about so many aspects of peace, and so many people yearn for peace and pray for peace, so why do so many people lack peace?
True peace is the peace that comes from God. It's a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). What we need to understand is that we can't have the peace of God until we have peace with God; that's the first step.
In Romans 5:1 , the Bible tells us that if you believe that Jesus paid the price for your sins, you've been justified by faith in God's sight because of what Jesus did on the cross. If you do this, you are no longer an enemy of God. Instead, you have made peace with God! In doing so, you can access a truly unfathomable peace simply by going to Him with your troubles.
Praise God for that!
And now an answer in song form that you can enjoy in a moment of personal worship: